在使用PowerDesigner对数据库进行概念模型和物理模型设计时,一般在NAME或Comment中写中文,在Code中写英文。Name用来显 示,Code在代码中使用,但Comment中的文字会保存到数据库Table或Column的Comment中,当Name已经存在的时候,再写一次 Comment很麻烦,可以使用以下代码来解决这个问题:
- 代码一:将Name中的字符COPY至Comment中 Vb代码
- Option Explicit
- ValidationMode = True
- InteractiveMode = im_Batch
- Dim mdl ' the current model
- ' get the current active model
- Set mdl = ActiveModel
- If (mdl Is Nothing) Then
- MsgBox "There is no current Model "
- ElseIf Not mdl.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model) Then
- MsgBox "The current model is not an Physical Data model. "
- Else
- ProcessFolder mdl
- End If
- ' This routine copy name into comment for each table, each column and each view
- ' of the current folder
- Private sub ProcessFolder(folder)
- Dim Tab 'running table
- for each Tab in folder.tables
- if not tab.isShortcut then
- tab.comment = tab.name
- Dim col ' running column
- for each col in tab.columns
- col.comment= col.name
- next
- end if
- next
- Dim view 'running view
- for each view in folder.Views
- if not view.isShortcut then
- view.comment = view.name
- end if
- next
- ' go into the sub-packages
- Dim f ' running folder
- For Each f In folder.Packages
- if not f.IsShortcut then
- ProcessFolder f
- end if
- Next
- end sub
另外在使用REVERSE ENGINEER从数据库反向生成PDM的时候,PDM中的表的NAME和CODE事实上都是CODE,为了把NAME替换为数据库中Table或Column的中文Comment,可以使用以下脚本:
- 代码二:将Comment中的字符COPY至Name中 Vb代码
- Option Explicit
- ValidationMode = True
- InteractiveMode = im_Batch
- Dim mdl ' the current model
- ' get the current active model
- Set mdl = ActiveModel
- If (mdl Is Nothing) Then
- MsgBox "There is no current Model "
- ElseIf Not mdl.IsKindOf(PdPDM.cls_Model) Then
- MsgBox "The current model is not an Physical Data model. "
- Else
- ProcessFolder mdl
- End If
- Private sub ProcessFolder(folder)
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim Tab 'running table
- for each Tab in folder.tables
- if not tab.isShortcut then
- tab.name = tab.comment
- Dim col ' running column
- for each col in tab.columns
- if col.comment="" then
- else
- col.name= col.comment
- end if
- next
- end if
- next
- Dim view 'running view
- for each view in folder.Views
- if not view.isShortcut then
- view.name = view.comment
- end if
- next
- ' go into the sub-packages
- Dim f ' running folder
- For Each f In folder.Packages
- if not f.IsShortcut then
- ProcessFolder f
- end if
- Next
- end sub
PowerDesigner->Tools->Execute Commands->Edit/Run Scripts